UPDATE: Found a good solution; see the updated section at the bottom.
I think I kind of answered part of my own question. Thank you for the links to github and google code.
I think I'll design and mash up some solution that incorporates github, google code and the links that I found below.
I will update when I learn more.
Thank you all.
Specifically, Reason not to #2
I've found that the ipad is much more suitable for reading source code. Now I use https://readitlaterlist.com/ and the chrome plugin https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/bkikpncfbjndhfkipijhdoddiadaipaa
When I see articles and source code that I want to read, I mark it in my browser on my desktop with the chrome plugin. Then, when I use my ipad, I download and read the articles with ReadItLater's app. I usually have to turn off the auto-formatting as it doesn't do well with articles with source code in them.
Also, I sometimes add git repositories with the complete packages of the source code I'm reading. For example, this https://github.com/homer6/c_reading
I use safari to view and navigate through it.
Hope that helps...