I'm building a multi-page javascript application. I've read a lot into design patterns, and creating applications using a Core/Facade/Module approach w/ loose coupling (pub/sub scribing to events).
I have a pretty good system worked out that minifies & combines all of my module files & related dependencies into a single external javascript file at deployment. Minimizing extra HTTP requests for my application is a design goal -- therefore I'm not too interested in AMD (asynchronous module definition).
I'm using the guidelines delinitated in Nicholas Zakas's presentation, Scalable JavaScript Application Architecture
Addy Osmani's Patterns For Large-Scale JavaScript Application Architecture http://addyosmani.com/largescalejavascript/
This premium tutorial, by Andrew Burgess from Nettuts, Writing Modular JavaScript http://marketplace.tutsplus.com/item/writing-modular-javascript/128103/?ref=addyosmani&ref=addyosmani&clickthrough_id=90060087&redirect_back=true
My question is advice on how to go about managing different pages of this application & their associated modules. I'm also using Backbonejs's Router class w/ ballupton's History.js library to manipulate the HTML5 history/state API and dynamically load pages without a refresh while maintaining backwards compatibility for older browsers that don't support the HTML state API. All of my pages share a common code base (single minified & compressed js file).
Here's an outline of the structure I'm thinking of using in my application:
It's essentially a hybrid approach. The top half consists of a Core/Facade/Module pattern with discrete modules that don't interact directly with each other and publish/subscribe to notifications via the facade.
The bottom half consists of my proposed application structure, which notifies a "main controller" when the state/url changes, the main-controller performs any global operations (such as initializing the header & sidebar-menu of my UI if not already initialized) and the instructs the relevant sub-control to run it's init() method (as well as calling destroy(); on any controller that was previously loaded). Each sub-controller (correlates to ex: home-page, calendar-page, reservations-page, etc.) cherry-picks modules from the pool of available modules and initializes them.
Is this a good approach or am I on a bad track? I can see the modules are still independent of each other which is good for scalability.
I've also considered just treating the Router & Controllers as discrete modules and having them publish/subscribe to the Core, and each controller somehow initializes the necessary modules it needs for it's page.