I try to convert a Buckminster-based build to Tycho (0.19.0). In our (mirrored) target platform we have the bundle com.lmax.disruptor from http://lmax-exchange.github.io/disruptor/ which imports the package "sun.misc"
When I try to build our own bundle (that depends on com.lmax.disruptor) I get:
[ERROR] Missing requirement: com.lmax.disruptor 3.2.0 requires 'package sun.misc 0.0.0' but it could not be found
I checked many Tycho tutorials but none of them contained such a dependency. Is there a way to import that package e.g., from the executing JRE?
When I add the disruptor bundle as a library to my bundle then it works without problems. But this seams more like a workaround because I will have other bundles that depend on it too.