So I just switched from Unity to Godot and I have a problem that I think is related to my lack of understanding the Transform3D Basis matrix.
I have a rollerblading game and I got my character to align with the floor normal direction below me so that when I'm going up ramps or down slopes it looks like I'm sliding down/up the angles properly. My problem is when my character is rotated at a 90 degree angle (basically when I am going to slide up a straight vertical ramp) my rotation stops working correctly,
As of right now my rotation around the Y axis is determined by a cube that is not a child of my player, I rotate it with A & D and set my player to copy its Y Rotation. I don't think this is a good long term way to handle my rotation.
I've tried a bunch of different things but it messes up my rotation so bad whenever my character is angled, which is one reason why I think my lack of matrix rotation understanding is the issue
So my question is, how can I edit my correct code to rotate left and right and still keep my upward facing direction based on the normal below me. As of right now I think this would need to be done when I am calculating my normal up direction in my normalCalc variable, but I am not sure how to go about doing this. Any help on my current code below or just any research advise would be a huge help.
`func _physics_process(delta):
velocity.z = clamp(velocity.z, -max_movespeed, max_movespeed)
velocity.x = clamp(velocity.x, -max_movespeed, max_movespeed)
velocity = velocity.move_toward(-global_transform.basis.z * MOVESPEED, 2) # Move the player forward based on move speed
var normal = $FloorRayCast.get_collision_normal()
var normalCalc = Basis()
normalCalc.x = normal.cross(global_transform.basis.z)
normalCalc.y = normal
normalCalc.z = global_transform.basis.x.cross(normal)
global_transform.basis = normalCalc
scale = Vector3(1,1,1)
floor_max_angle = 0.99999
rotation.y = player_turn_obj.rotation.y
# Add the gravity.
if not $FloorRayCast.is_colliding():
velocity.y -= gravity * 15 * delta
# Handle Jump.
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_accept") and is_on_floor():
velocity.y = JUMP_VELOCITY
if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"):
player_turn_obj.rotate(Vector3(player_turn_obj.rotation.x, rot_speed, player_turn_obj.rotation.z).normalized(), 0.03)
if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"):
player_turn_obj.rotate(Vector3(player_turn_obj.rotation.x, -rot_speed, player_turn_obj.rotation.z).normalized(), 0.03)
if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_up"):
MOVESPEED = lerp(MOVESPEED, 15.0, 0.1)
anim_tree.set("parameters/BlendSpace1D/blend_position", velocity.length())
MOVESPEED = lerp(MOVESPEED, 0.0, 0.001)
When my character gets to a 90 degree angle at the top of the ramp I need it to rotate on its Y depending on the way its pointing, instead of the cube below current rotation.