Im using a DataStax Community v 2.1.2-1 (AMI v 2.5) with preinstalled default settings+ increased read time out to 10sec here is the issue
create table simplenotification_ttl (
user_id varchar,
real_time timestamp,
insert_time timeuuid,
read boolean,
msg varchar, PRIMARY KEY (user_id, real_time, insert_time));
Insert Query:
insert into simplenotification_ttl (user_id, real_time, insert_time, read)
values ('test_3',14401440123, now(),false) using TTL 800;
For same 'test_3' I inserted 33,000 tuples. [This problem does not happen for 24,000 tuples]
Gradually i see
cqlsh:notificationstore> select count(*) from simplenotification_ttl where user_id = 'test_3';
(1 rows)
cqlsh:notificationstore> select count(*) from simplenotification_ttl where user_id = 'test_3';
(1 rows)
cqlsh:notificationstore> select count(*) from simplenotification_ttl where user_id = 'test_3';
**errors={}, last_host=**
I have experimented this many times even on different tables. Once this happens, even if i insert with same user_id and do a retrieval with limit 1. It times out.
I require TTL to work properly ie give count 0 after speculated time. How to solve this issue? Thanks
[My other node related setup is using m3.large with 2 nodes EC2Snitch]