I am making facebook 360 image by custom stitching using C#-emgu.
Can able to set EXIF tags(make & model) using C# image property items.
// Sample code for set exif make tag var dummy1 = Image.FromFile(@"filePathName.jpg"); PropertyItem pItem = dummy1.PropertyItems[0]; string str = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(pItem.Value); pItem.Id = 0x010F; // make tag id pItem.Type = 2; pItem.Value = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("*****"); pItem.Len = pItem.Value.Length; jpeg1.SetPropertyItem(pItem);
Cant able to set XMPGPano tags below listed by C#.
XMPGPano docs in google street view
* CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels (final image height) * CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels (final image width) * ProjectionType (equirectangular) * CroppedAreaLeftPixels (No idea what it is?) * CroppedAreaTopPixels (No idea what it is?) * FullPanoHeightPixels (No idea what it is?) * FullPanoWidthPixels (No idea what it is?)
Image : Sample XMPGPano tags in exif tool
- But face book understand 360 image only if I add XMPGPano tags.
Please route me following points below..
Why this below tags with sample calculations
- CroppedAreaLeftPixels (No idea what it is?)
- CroppedAreaTopPixels (No idea what it is?)
- FullPanoHeightPixels (No idea what it is?)
- FullPanoWidthPixels (No idea what it is?)
How to add this tags programmatically C#.