Resolved April 15, 2013. In windows 7 (64bit) windows explorer when I right clicked a Python file and selected "edit with IDLE" the editor opens properly but when I run (or f5) the Python 3.3.1 program, it fails with the "IDLE's subprocess didn't make connection. Either IDLE can't start a subprocess or personal firewall software is blocking the connection." error message. All other methods of starting IDLE for running my python 3.3.1 programs worked perfectly. Even the "Send to" method worked but it was unacceptably clunky. I've spend four days (so far) researching this and trying various things including reinstalling Python many times. And NO it's not the FireWall blocking it. I've tried totally turning Firewall off and it had no effect.
Here's an important clue: In the beginning I installed and configured python 3.3 64 bit and everything worked including running from "edit with IDLE" but then recently when I needed a library only available in Python 2 I installed python 2.7.4 and from that point on the stated problem began. At one point I completely removed all traces of both versions and reinstalled Python 3.3.1 64 bit. Problem remained.
Then I tried have both 32 bit versions installed but still no luck. Then at some point in my muddling around I lost the option to "edit with IDLE" and spent a day trying everything including editing in Regedit. No luck there either. I reinstalled Python 3.3.1 still no "edit with IDLE" then Finally I uninstalled all versions of Python and I removed python references to environment variables PATH and PYTHONPATH. Then I Deleted all the Python related keys in the windows registry, deleted the C:\python33 directory that the uninstall didn't bother to delete. Overkill, of course, then I restarted windows and installed Python 3.3.1 64 bit version again and thankfully the option to 'edit with IDLE' was back. I was momentarily happy, I opened windows explorer, right clicked on a python program, selected 'edit with IDLE' selected RUN (eyes closed) and you guessed it, same original error message "IDLE's subprocess didn't make connection. Either IDLE can't start a subprocess or personal firewall software is blocking the connection."
I am completely stuck on this issue and really need help. Pretty sure that you can see I and not a happy camper. And to top it all off, I guess I don't understand StackOverflow yet, I have had this plea for help up in various versions for 5 days and not one response from anyone. Believe me I've looked at every thing in stackoverflow plus other sites and I can't see the answer. Almost seems like I have to answer my own question and post it, trouble is, so far I can't.
Anyway, thanks for listening. Yes I'm pretty new to Python but I've been programming and overcoming problems for many years (too many perhaps). anyone? Not personally having someone that is familiar with Python makes this difficult, how can I get in touch with an expert in Python for a quick phone conversation?