I have an Java application running on a weblogic server. The application has two distinct modules which use SSL to connect to external web services - let's say module A and module B.
Module A - Built on Axis - Uses truststore A Moudle B - Built on Spring-ws - Uses truststore B.
Module A is existing. Module B is being introduced.
I need to be able to set the truststore dynamically in the JVM based on which module is being invoked.
Due to some constraints I do not have the option - to create a custom key manager. - use one truststore
I tried to use System.setProperty im Module B codebase to set truststore. However it works only if Module B got invoked first. For example - Say I have a fresh restart of the JVM then I invoke module A - it set's it's own truststore in the JVM then I invoke module B - It fails - it's does not set it's own truststore in the JVM even though I have used System.setProperty method.
Am I missing something or it's just that System.setProperty doesn't override existing set values. If so what are my options here.