I think this is the most popular way to do it before:
But this link is no longer exist:
I recently found a clone for the instruction, and also found a clone of ironpkg-1.0.0.py on github. But http://www.enthought.com/repo/.iron/eggs/index-depend.txt is no longer exists in the internet(I googled it, but failed to find it)
Getting started with SciPy for .NET
1.) IronPython Download and install IronPython 2.7, this will require .NET v4.0.
2.) Modify PATH
Add the install location on the path, this is usually: C:\Program File\IronPython 2.7
But on 64-bit Windows systems it is: C:\Program File (x86)\IronPython 2.7
As a check, open a Windows command prompt and go to a directory (which is not the above) and type:
ipy -V PythonContext on .NET 4.0.30319.225
3.) ironpkg
Bootstrap ironpkg, which is a package install manager for binary (egg based) Python packages. Download ironpkg-1.0.0.py and type:
ipy ironpkg-1.0.0.py --install
Now the ironpkg command should be available:ironpkg -h (some useful help text is displayed here)
4.) scipy
Installing scipy is now easy:
ironpkg scipy numpy-2.0.0b2-1.egg
I think I have done as much as I can do. Any body succeed to install numpy and scipy for Ironpython27?