I have the following situation:
(source: kawoolutions.com)
JPA 2.0 mappings (It might probably suffice to consider only the Zip and ZipId classes as this is where the error seems to come from):
@Table(name = "GeoAreas")
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
@DiscriminatorColumn(name = "discriminator", discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.STRING)
public abstract class GeoArea implements Serializable
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Column(name = "id")
protected Integer id;
@Column(name = "name")
protected String name;
@Table(name = "Countries")
@DiscriminatorValue(value = "country")
public class Country extends GeoArea
@Column(name = "iso_code")
private String isoCode;
@Column(name = "iso_nbr")
private String isoNbr;
@Column(name = "dial_code")
private Integer dialCode = null;
@Table(name = "Zips")
@IdClass(value = ZipId.class)
public class Zip implements Serializable
@Column(name = "code")
private String code;
@JoinColumn(name = "country_code", referencedColumnName = "iso_code")
private Country country = null;
public class ZipId implements Serializable
private String country;
private String code;
Pretty simple design:
A country is a geo area and inherits the ID from the root class. A ZIP code is unique within its country so it combines an ISO code plus the actual ZIP code as PK. Thus Zips references Countries.iso_code, which has an alternative unique, not-null key on it (reference to non-primary key column!). The Zip.country association gets an @Id annotation and its variable name is the same as the one in its ID class ZipId.
However I get this error message from within Eclipse (also using JBoss Tools):
Validation Message: "The attribute matching the ID class attribute country does not have the correct type java.lang.String"
- Why is this wrong in JPA 2.0 syntax (see @Id annotation on Zip.country)? I don't think it is. After all the types of Zip.country and ZipId.country can't be the same for JPA 2 because of the @Id annotation on the @ManyToOne and the PK being a simple integer, which becomes the ID class counterpart. Can anyone check/confirm this please?
- Could this be a bug, probably in JBoss Tools? (Which software component is reporting the above bug? When putting the 3 tables and entity classes into a new JavaSE project there's no error shown with the exact code...)