Borrowing Howard Hinnant's example and modifying it to use copy-and-swap, is this op= thread-safe?
struct A {
A() = default;
A(A const &x); // Assume implements correct locking and copying.
A& operator=(A x) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock_data (_mut);
using std::swap;
swap(_data, x._data);
return *this;
mutable std::mutex _mut;
std::vector<double> _data;
I believe this thread-safe (remember op='s parameter is passed by value), and the only problem I can find is the one swept under the rug: the copy ctor. However, it would be a rare class that allows copy-assignment but not copy-construction, so that problem exists equally in both alternatives.
Given that self-assignment is so rare (at least for this example) that I don't mind an extra copy if it happens, consider the potential optimization of this != &rhs to be either negligible or a pessimization. Would there be any other reason to prefer or avoid it compared to the original strategy (below)?
A& operator=(A const &rhs) {
if (this != &rhs) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lhs_lock( _mut, std::defer_lock);
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> rhs_lock(rhs._mut, std::defer_lock);
std::lock(lhs_lock, rhs_lock);
_data = rhs._data;
return *this;
Incidentally, I think this succinctly handles the copy ctor, at least for this class, even if it is a bit obtuse:
A(A const &x) : _data {(std::lock_guard<std::mutex>(x._mut), x._data)} {}