I need to know (based on input data that I have, like speed, direction, delta, etc, etc) where a KinematicBody will end without actually moving it.
For example, if I have the function:
func move_2_steps(origin):
return origin + 2
I know that, If I were to give an input of let say 10, the function would return 12, and then I could move the character.
But with kinematic bodies there seems to be no way, If I have the starting position, the velocity and delta, is there any way I could retrieve where will it end, without having to call move_and_slide or move_and_collide?
Just in case i'm implementing Client Side Prediction, so I have an array of inputs that I want to apply inside a for loop, something like this:
Vector3 endPos = Vector3.Zero;
foreach(Input input in array)
endPos += SimulateMovement(input.direction, input.speed, someDelta)