I am working on a project which deals with data in foreign languages. My Perl scripts were running fine.
I then wanted to use Tie::File, since this is a neat concept (and saves time and coding).
It seems that Tie:File is failing under Unicode/UTF-8 (unless I am missing something).
Here is a program which depicts the problem: (The data is a mix of English, Greek and Hebrew):
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.014;
use Win32::Console;
use autodie;
use warnings qw< FATAL utf8 >;
use Carp;
use Carp::Always;
use utf8;
use feature qw< unicode_strings>;
use charnames qw< :full>;
use Tie::File;
my ($i);
my ( $FileName);
my (@Tied);
binmode STDOUT, ':unix:utf8';
binmode STDERR, ':unix:utf8';
binmode $DB::OUT, ':unix:utf8' if $DB::OUT; # for the debugger
Win32::Console::OutputCP(65001); # Set the console code page to UTF8
$FileName = 'E:\\My Documents\\Technical\\Perl\\Eclipse workspace\\Work\\'.
'Tie File test res.txt';
tie @Tied, 'Tie::File', $FileName, recsep => "\x0D\x0A", discipline => ':encoding(utf8)'
or confess 'tie @Tied failed';
$i =0;
while (<DATA>) {
$Tied[$i] = $_;
} # end while (<DATA>)
$i =0;
foreach (@Tied) {
say "$i $Tied[$i]";
} # end foreach (@Tied)
untie $FileName;
τι κάνετε;
πάρτε το ή αφήστε το
שלום חברים
abc לא כןכן efg
מתי ולאן This is it
מעכשיו לעכשיו
Σήμερα είναι Τρίτη
Θέλω να φάω
τι κάνετε;
שורה מס' 5
This produces a huge cascade of warnings: here is some:
utf8 "\xCE" does not map to Unicode at F:/Win7programs/Dwimperl/perl/lib/Tie/File.pm line 917
Tie::File::_read_record('Tie::File=HASH(0x24cb72c)') called at F:/Win7programs/Dwimper
l/perl/lib/Tie/File.pm line 175
Tie::File::_fetch('Tie::File=HASH(0x24cb72c)', 0) called at F:/Win7programs/Dwimperl/p
erl/lib/Tie/File.pm line 210
Tie::File::STORE('Tie::File=HASH(0x24cb72c)', 0, 'τι κάνετε;') called at tie file test
.pl line 31
utf8 "\xCF" does not map to Unicode at F:/Win7programs/Dwimperl/perl/lib/Tie/File.pm line 917
Tie::File::_read_record('Tie::File=HASH(0x24cb72c)') called at F:/Win7programs/Dwimper
l/perl/lib/Tie/File.pm line 175
Tie::File::_fetch('Tie::File=HASH(0x24cb72c)', 0) called at F:/Win7programs/Dwimperl/p
erl/lib/Tie/File.pm line 210
Tie::File::STORE('Tie::File=HASH(0x24cb72c)', 0, 'τι κάνετε;') called at tie file test
.pl line 31
utf8 "\xD7" does not map to Unicode at F:/Win7programs/Dwimperl/perl/lib/Tie/File.pm line 917
Tie::File::_read_record('Tie::File=HASH(0x24cb72c)') called at F:/Win7programs/Dwimper
l/perl/lib/Tie/File.pm line 175
Tie::File::_fetch('Tie::File=HASH(0x24cb72c)', 0) called at F:/Win7programs/Dwimperl/p
erl/lib/Tie/File.pm line 210
Tie::File::STORE('Tie::File=HASH(0x24cb72c)', 0, 'τι κάνετε;') called at tie file test
.pl line 31
utf8 "\xD7" does not map to Unicode at F:/Win7programs/Dwimperl/perl/lib/Tie/File.pm line 917
Tie::File::_read_record('Tie::File=HASH(0x24cb72c)') called at F:/Win7programs/Dwimper
l/perl/lib/Tie/File.pm line 175
Tie::File::_fetch('Tie::File=HASH(0x24cb72c)', 0) called at F:/Win7programs/Dwimperl/p
erl/lib/Tie/File.pm line 210
Tie::File::STORE('Tie::File=HASH(0x24cb72c)', 0, 'τι κάνετε;') called at tie file test
.pl line 31
Then it prints this on STDOUT:
0 τι κάνετε;
1 πάρτε το ή αφήστε το
2 שלום חברים
3 abc לא כןכן efg
4 מתי ולאן This is it
5 מעכשיו לעכשיו
6 Σήμερα είναι Τρίτη
7 Θέλω να φάω
8 τι κάνετε;
9 שורה מס' 5
14 \xA4\xΘέλω\xA8\x
Note that the first 10 lines are OK, but lines 10 through 19 came from nowhere!? In addition, the output of the tied file contains corrupted data:
τι κάνϏN͏Ŏՠτήστε של חברءbc לؗܗࠗܗߠeמתולאן This is מעיו לעכ؎Ďώݎ֏ναι ΤρΘέώގѠφϏŎ٠κτε;שרה מס'
Something is very wrong here. Either I am missing something, or Tie:File can't cope with Unicode/UTF-8? I am running Strawberry Perl 5.14 on a Windows 7 system.
Many TIA - Helen
Note: posted on http://perlmonks.org/?node_id=1002104, too
use feature qw<unicode_strings>;
since that gets enabled withuse v5.14;
.) – Santalaceous