I want to be able to send to both
- a Web API
- Postman to Web API
I can do simple GET Requests to my Web API with Postman, but what I don't understand is how to send a Byte Array.
With Postman, I know that it is a PUT
This is the Web API signature
[ResponseType(typeof (VerifyManifestChainResponse))]
public IHttpActionResult PutVerifyManifestChain([FromBody] VerifyManifestChainRequest message)
The Request class
public class VerifyManifestChainRequest
public byte[] CalculatedMeasurement { get; set; }
public string DeviceId { get; set; }
Should I be sending a JSON via Raw Data using Postman?
"CalculatedMeasurement": ?????,
"DeviceId": "00022B9A000000010001"
I know when the Web page calls the Web API, I do see this in the Inspector
Postman snippet
How do I send data via Postman , and how do I send to a web API http://localhost:42822/api/Manifest/VerifyChain/