This is what I came up with. This approach is more of an iterative 3D boolean operation so it might not be what you're looking for. The surface seems more difficult so I concentrated on that.
Basically add spheres inside the shape in positions that maximize the coverage of the surface. We convert the sphere into a 3D array of signed byte values. These values are points and will be gobbled up with spheres. We add one spheres at a time inside the object and then grow/shrink it in different directions to "eat" as many points as possible. The goal is to rack up as many points as possible per sphere. Points are earned by summing the points in the area of the sphere. With the addition of each sphere we count then count that area as used and set the Array values to 0.
/ \ ZX3223XZ ZX3223XZ ZX##23XZ ZX ##XZ ZX XZ
/ \ ZX321123XZ ZX321123XZ ZX####23XZ ZX ####XZ ZX XZ
| | ZX32111123XZ ZX32111123XZ ZX######23XZ ZX ######XZ ZX XZ
| | ZX32111133XZ ZX32111133XZ ZX######23XZ ZX ######XZ ZX XZ
| | ZX32222223XZ ZX##222223XZ ZX3####223XZ ZX3 ####3XZ ZX3 ##XZ
|------| ZX33333333XZ ZX##333333XZ ZX33##3333XZ ZX33 ##33XZ ZX33 ##XZ
(A) The shape that we want to fill. (2D used here but 3D would be similar)
(B) Convert the shape in a 3D grid of points. Surface gets largest number and as you work to the center the numbers settle on low positive numbers(like 1); Outside the shape gets negative numbers; deep interior gets 1
(C) Add a small sphere. (we will grow it)
(D) Expand the sphere until we gobble up the maximum number of points
(E) Add the Next sphere and grow it.
(F) Add another sphere. This one is small.
5) first break down the shape into a 3D block resolution.
10) Then give the most "points" to the blocks around the surface. High points with the block that actually touches the surface and lower points as you move inward or outward. As you go outward the points should quickly become negative as this will prevent protruding spheres. As you move inward from the surface the points should settle at 1 so that the central area would be all ones. These points can be setup in different ways to produce different results.
15) Find a location on the inside edge of the shape that is outside a sphere. While being near the edge is not required it does minimize the search area. If a location cannot be found goto 80. If a location cannot be found that is near
20) Draw a sphere with a zero radius inside the shape that is not covered
25) Move the sphere up/down until the points are maximized (simulated annealing)
26) Move the sphere in/out until the points are maximized
27) Move the sphere left/right until the points are maximized
28) Move the Top of the sphere up/down until the points are maximized (simulated annealing/hill climbing)
29) Move the Bottom the sphere up/down until the points are maximized
30) Move the Left side of the sphere in/out until the points are maximized
31) Move the Right side of the sphere in/out until the points are maximized
32) Move the Front of the sphere in/out until the points are maximized
50) If any changes in 25-32 then repeat (goto 25)
70) Subtract out the points from the last added sphere. Set all values to zero for internal values(positive numbers) and do not adjust external values(negative numbers). Goto 15.
80) (optional) Fill in an internal gaps. Basically visit each element to make sure it is less then or equal to 0. If positive then goto 20 with that element. Else, if none found then goto 85. Note:all outside values should be negative and all internal values that are in a sphere should be 0.
85) Finished
- Since there would a grid of values, a 1000x1000x1000 workspace would consume up 1GB.
- Not an exact solution
- Could take lots of compute for higher resolutions.
- For efficiency, smaller spheres can have their pixel ranges pre-recorded so that the sphere does not need to be calculated for each iteration.
- A lower resolution(i.e. 500x500x500) version could be completed first and then the location and size of the spheres could be applied to a larger 1000x1000x1000. Also for very large shapes sub-sections could be solved.
spheres and an error metric no greater thane
"? If we take the union-of-convexes approach and force the approximation to be a superset of the original solid, in fact, there's a pretty trivial reduction to 3SAT. – Caseation