In postgres log:
2016-12-23 15:28:14 +07 [17281-351 trns: 4280939, vtrns: 3/20] postgres@deadlocks HINT: See server log for query details.
2016-12-23 15:28:14 +07 [17281-352 trns: 4280939, vtrns: 3/20] postgres@deadlocks CONTEXT: while locking tuple (0,79) in relation "account"
2016-12-23 15:28:14 +07 [17281-353 trns: 4280939, vtrns: 3/20] postgres@deadlocks STATEMENT: SELECT id FROM account where id=$1 for update;
when I provoke a deadlock I can see text: tuple (0,79)
As I know, a tuple just is several rows in table. But I don't understand what (0,79)
means. I have only 2 rows in table account, it's just play and self-learning application.
So what does (0,79)