Use the google-play-scraper library to get an app information as below:
$app = $scraper->getApp('com.mojang.minecraftpe');
array (
'id' => 'com.mojang.minecraftpe',
'url' => '',
'image' => '',
'title' => 'Minecraft: Pocket Edition',
'author' => 'Mojang',
'author_link' => '',
'categories' => array (
'price' => '$6.99',
'screenshots' => array (
// [...]
'description' => 'Our latest free update includes the Nether and all its inhabitants[...]',
'description_html' => 'Our latest free update includes the Nether and all its inhabitants[...]',
'rating' => 4.4726405143737793,
'votes' => 1136962,
'last_updated' => 'October 22, 2015',
'size' => 'Varies with device',
'downloads' => '10,000,000 - 50,000,000',
'version' => 'Varies with device',
'supported_os' => 'Varies with device',
'content_rating' => 'Everyone 10+',
'whatsnew' => 'Build, explore and survive on the go with Minecraft: Pocket Edition[...]',
'video_link' => '',
'video_image' => '',
EDIT: Easily get downloads count as below:
echo $app['downloads']; // Outputs: '10,000,000 - 50,000,000'
Or if you want the left value:
$matches = null;
$returnValue = preg_match('/.*(?= -)/', '10,000,000 - 50,000,000', $matches);
echo $matches[0]; // Outputs: '10,000,000'
Or if you want the right value:
$matches = null;
$returnValue = preg_match('/(?<=- ).*/', '10,000,000 - 50,000,000', $matches);
echo $matches[0]; // Outputs: '50,000,000'
Then easily convert it to integer using:
$count = null;
$returnValue = (int)preg_replace('/,/', '', $matches[0], -1, $count);
echo $returnValue; // Outputs: 10000000 or 50000000