I am generating a slideshow in markdown to be converted by pandoc into html (with pandoc -s -S -t revealjs test.md -o test.html
The reveal.js framework allows a 2D setup: grouping of slides within slide subsets "vertically", and grouping of the slide subsets horizontally. In markdown, it can be achieved like this:
# Head1
## Below 1
text below 1
## Below 2
text below 2
# Head 2
This generates the expected output. The result has four slides, arranged as follows:
[ Head 1 ] [ Head 2 ]
[ Below 1 ]
[ Below 2 ]
However, I would like to have some further content in the "Head 1" slide. This is possible in reveal.js, but the following markdown is not correctly processed by pandoc:
# Head1
Head text 1
## Below 1
text below 1
## Below 2
text below 2
# Head 2
Because the slide level becomes 1 rather than 2, instead of four slides, I get two (one for each level 1 header). I can force the slide level to be 2 using an option to pandoc:
pandoc -s -S -t revealjs test.md -o test.html --slide-level 2
but then I get the first arrangement again -- losing any content that was directly under "Head 1".
Any thoughts?
pandoc -t revealjs -s -o index.html index.md
. Couldn't really find a workaround :( – Lydell