How do I install CLang on Ubuntu, using precompiled binaries of CLang that I downloaded?
Here's how I downloaded CLang: "LLVM Download Page" -> "Download LLVM 3.2" -> "Clang Binaries for Ubuntu-12.04/x86_64" ( .)
Then, I expanded the archive into a folder on my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64-bit machine. The contents of the expanded folder look like this:
$ ls clang+llvm-3.2-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-12.04
bin docs include lib share
Question: What do I do next? Do I have to copy these into some folders myself, and if so, which ones exactly? Most instructions I found online are for building CLang from source, which doesn't apply here.
I am a newbie to most of these tools. I created a basic hello-world C++ program, and was able to compile and run it, using GCC and autotools. Now, I want to compile the same program with CLang.
tar xzf
"not in gzip format".tar xf
figured it out though. – Wells