Answering your exact question, there are use cases (I think yours is not one of them and you should use styled components) however for those like me who stumble upon it and want a "exact answer to this question" and not a "do this instead", this is how you achieve to retrieve the class names.
This is so far undocumented.
For functional components, using emotion, here an use case where you have a 3rd party component that expects, not one, but many class names, or where the className property is not where you are meant to pass the property.
import { css, Theme, useTheme } from "@mui/material/styles";
import { css as emotionCss } from "@emotion/css";
const myStyles = {
basicClass: {
marginLeft: "1rem",
marginRight: "1rem",
paddingLeft: "1rem",
paddingRight: "1rem",
optionClass: (theme: Theme) => ({
[theme.breakpoints.down(]: {
display: "none",
function MyComponent() {
cons theme = useTheme();
// first we need to convert to something emotion can understand
const basicClass = css(myStyles.basicClass);
const optionClass = css(myStyles.optionClass(theme));
// now we can pass to emotion
const basicClassName = emotionCss(basicClass.styles);
const optionClassName = emotionCss(optionClass.styles);
return (
<ThirdPartyComponent basicClassName={basicClassName} optionClassName={optionClassName} />
When you have a Class Component, you need to use the also undocumented withTheme
from @mui/material/styles
and wrap your class, if you use the theme.
- When your component uses a single className property just use styled components.
import { styled } from "@mui/material/styles";
const ThrirdPartyStyled = styled(ThirdPartyComponent)(({theme}) => ({
color: theme.palette.success.contrastText
- Even if you have dynamic styles
import { styled } from "@mui/material/styles";
interface IThrirdPartyStyledExtraProps {
fullWidth?: boolean;
const ThrirdPartyStyled = styled(ThirdPartyComponent, {
shouldForwardProp: (prop) => prop !== "fullWidth"
})<IThrirdPartyStyledExtraProps>(({theme, fullWidth}) => ({
color: theme.palette.success.contrastText,
width: fullWidth ? "100%" : "auto",
Even if each one has some form of custom color, you just would use "sx" on your new ThrirdPartyStyled.
- When you are just trying to reuse a style around (your use case)
const myReusableStyle = {
color: "red",
// better
const MyStyledDiv = styled("div")(myReusableStyle);
// questionable
const MySpanWithoutStyles = styled("span")();
// better
const MyDrawerStyled = styled(Drawer)(myReusableStyle);
function MyComponent() {
return (
questionable usage because it is less clean:
<MySpanWithoutStyles sx={myReusableStyle}>hello</MySpanWithoutStyles>
<MySpanWithoutStyles sx={myReusableStyle}>world</MySpanWithoutStyles>
these two are equivalent:
<MyDrawerStyled />
<Drawer sx={myReusableStyle} />
Now what is "presumably" cool about this is that your style, is just an object now, and you can just import it and use it everywhere without makeStyles or withStyles, supposedly an advantage, even when to be honest, I have never used that of exporting/importing around; the code seems a bit cleaner nevertheless.
You seem to want to use it so all you do is.
export const myStyles {
// your styles here
because this object is equivalent in memory, and it is always the same object, something that is easier to mess up with styles, it should be as effective or even more than your hook, theoretically (if it re-renders often even when setup may be longer), which stores the same function in memory but returns a new object every time.
Now you can use those myStyles everywhere you deem reasonable, either with styled components or by assigning to sx.
You can further optimize, say if it's always a div that you use that is styled the same way, then the styled component MyStyledDiv
should be faster, because it is the same and done each time. How much faster is this? According to some sources 55% faster, to me, it is taking 4 weeks of refactor and the JSS compatibility with emotion is bad, all mixed with SSR is making everything unusable and slow and broken, so let's see until then when the whole is refactored.
tag? like this – Aubigny