Note to Python 3 users: I just tried the code below using Python 3.8.6 and it works in that version, too. I had to convert the print
statements into print()
function calls, but that was all.
I noticed that the example implementation of tzinfo
classes is different from what's in the Python 2 documentation, but using the example tzinfo
classes in the file referenced in the latest documentation worked just fine (but so did the older 2.x versions).
You can download a Python 3 version of the
file shown below from here.
You can do as I did and use this public domain module to compute the position of the sun relative to positions on the Earth. (Warning: it contains tab characters and assumes tabs are every 8 characters.) It's pretty old, but has continued to work well for me for many years. I made a few superficial modifications to it to be more up-to-date with Python 2.7, such as making the few classes in it new-style, but for the most part it's unchanged.
Here's one module I created, called
, which shows how to use it to calculate the sunrise and sunset times for a specific location given its geographic coordinates and timezone. The referenced timezone
module is an implementation of the tzinfo
abstract base class described in the datetime
module's documentation on tzinfo
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
import datetime
import timezone # concrete tzinfo subclass based on the Python docs
import math
from Sun import Sun
__all__ = ['getsuninfo', 'Place']
class Place(object):
def __init__(self, name, coords, tz=timezone.Pacific): = name # string
self.coords = coords # tuple (E/W long, N/S lat) = tz # tzinfo constant
def _hoursmins(hours):
"""Convert floating point decimal time in hours to integer hrs,mins"""
frac,h = math.modf(hours)
m = round(frac*60, 0)
if m == 60: # rounded up to next hour
h += 1; m = 0
return int(h),int(m)
def _ymd(date):
"""Return y,m,d from datetime object as tuple"""
return date.timetuple()[:3]
def getsuninfo(location, date=None):
"""Return local datetime of sunrise, sunset, and length of day in hrs,mins)"""
if date == None:
querydate =
else: # date given should be datetime instance
querydate = date
args = _ymd(querydate) + location.coords
utcrise, utcset = Sun().sunRiseSet(*args)
daylength = Sun().dayLength(*args)
hrs,mins = _hoursmins(daylength)
risehour, risemin = _hoursmins(utcrise)
sethour, setmin = _hoursmins(utcset)
# convert times to timedelta values (ie from midnight utc of the date)
midnight = datetime.datetime(tzinfo=timezone.utc, *_ymd(querydate))
deltarise = datetime.timedelta(hours=risehour, minutes=risemin)
utcdatetimerise = midnight+deltarise
deltaset = datetime.timedelta(hours=sethour, minutes=setmin)
utcdatetimeset = midnight+deltaset
# convert results from UTC time to local time of location
localrise = utcdatetimerise.astimezone(
localset = utcdatetimeset.astimezone(
return localrise, localset, hrs, mins
if __name__ == "__main__":
import datetime, timezone
def unittest(location, testdate):
risetime, settime, hrs, mins = getsuninfo(location, testdate)
print "Location:",
print "Date:", testdate.strftime("%a %x")
print risetime.strftime("Sunrise %I:%M %p"), settime.strftime("- Sunset %I:%M %p (%Z)")
print "daylight: %d:%02d" % (hrs,mins)
place = Place("My House", (-121.990278, 47.204444), timezone.Pacific)
# test dates just before and after DST transitions
print "pre 2007"
print "========="
unittest(place,, 4, 1))
unittest(place,, 4, 2))
unittest(place,, 10, 28))
unittest(place,, 10, 29))
print "2007"
print "========="
unittest(place,, 3, 10))
unittest(place,, 3, 11))
unittest(place,, 11, 3))
unittest(place,, 11, 4))