I struggled a while to find a straightforward solution to whitespace gobbling, so here the one I finally came up with. It is inspired from and Vadzim's answer and this page http://wiki.apache.org/velocity/StructuredGlobbingResourceLoader
The StructuredGlobbingResourceLoader we can find on the website has a complex behaviour and doesn’t get rid of any kind of whitespace, so I modified it to get the simple behaviour: "Delete any whitespace at the beginning of the lines, and add a comment at the end of each line" (which prevents the linebreak evaluation). The filter is applied on the input stream at loading time.
This kind of velocity template
the value is $value
is transformed to
the value is $value##
Then if you want to have linebreaks or beginning of line whitespaces, you'll have to put($br,"\n") and put($sp," ") in your context like Vadzim's explained and explicitly use them in your template. This way of doing will allow you to keep indented templates, with maximum control.
take the class from this page http://wiki.apache.org/velocity/StructuredGlobbingResourceLoader
change the extended class to the kind of loader your need (this one uses the webapp loader)
replace the read() method with the code I provide
use the class as your resource loader in your properties. Example for the webapp loader: webapp.resource.loader.class=...StructuredGlobbingResourceLoader
public int read() throws IOException {
int ch;
case bol: //beginning of line, read until non-indentation character
ch = in.read();
if (ch!=(int)' ' && ch!=(int)'\t'){
state = State.content;
return processChar(ch);
case content:
ch = in.read();
return processChar(ch);
//eol states replace all "\n" by "##\n"
case eol1:
state = State.eol2;
return (int)'#';
case eol2:
state = State.bol;
return (int)'\n';
case eof:
return -1;
return -1;
//Return the normal character if not end of file or \n
private int processChar(int ch){
case -1:
state = State.eof;
return -1;
case (int)'\n':
state = State.eol1;
return (int)'#';
return ch;
Any feedback on my implementation is welcome