Been googling this for a while but i can't find any documentation relating to this. I've been trying to learn ARM and have been looking at the compiled ARM assembly code for a simple calculator.c program i wrote in order to see if I could understand what was going on. The thing I keep seeing is instructions like these:
LDR R3, =__stack_chk_guard__GLIBC_2.4
LDR R0, =aEnterOperator ; "Enter operator: "
LDR R0, =aSIsNotAValidOp ; "%s is not a valid operator. Enter +, -"
Note: the stuff after the semicolons is just the auto-comments added by IDA.
My question is, what does the '=' on the right side of these LDRs mean? In the first case, it seems to be some tag indicating the loading of a library; in the second and third cases, '=a' seems to be prefacing a printf. I'm just not quite sure to make of this, since I can't find anything about this syntax for LDR in the documentation. Can someone help me understand this? Thank you!