The PeerConnection won't start gathering candidates until you call setLocalDescription(); the information supplied to setLocalDescription tells PeerConnection how many candidates need to be gathered. (This behavior for setLocalDescription is indicated in its definition at
Here's what a complete flow looks like for establishing a connection between two PeerConnections in the same browser window (adding of MediaStreams omitted to focus on the signaling):
var pc1, pc2, offer, answer;
pc1 = new webkitRTCPeerConnection(options);
pc2 = new webkitRTCPeerConnection(options);
pc1.onicecandidate = function(candidate) {
pc2.onicecandidate = function(candidate) {
pc1.createOffer(onOfferCreated, onError);
function onError(err) {
function onOfferCreated(description) {
offer = description;
pc1.setLocalDescription(offer, onPc1LocalDescriptionSet, onError);
function onPc1LocalDescriptionSet() {
// after this function returns, pc1 will start firing icecandidate events
pc2.setRemoteDescription(offer, onPc2RemoteDescriptionSet, onError);
function onPc2RemoteDescriptionSet() {
pc2.createAnswer(onAnswerCreated, onError);
function onAnswerCreated(description) {
answer = description;
pc2.setLocalDescription(answer, onPc2LocalDescriptionSet, onError);
function onPc2LocalDescriptionSet() {
// after this function returns, you'll start getting icecandidate events on pc2
pc1.setRemoteDescription(answer, onPc1RemoteDescriptionSet, onError);
function onPc1RemoteDescriptionSet() {
window.alert('Yay, we finished signaling offers and answers');
Since you included a mozPeerConnection in your question, I'll note that Firefox does not currently generate 'trickle candidates'. This means that it will include its candidate addresses as 'c' lines in the offer/answer, and the onicecandidate callback will never be called.
The downside to this approach is that Firefox must wait for all of its candidates to be gathered before creating its offer/answer (a process which can involve contacting STUN and TURN servers and waiting for either the responses or for the requests timeout).