Because I didn't define a maxAge when calling expressServer.use(express.session({params}))
the cookie's expiration is set as "Session".
I would like to add a "remember me" feature when logging in. If "remember me" is selected, the expiration will be extended to a month.
How would I go about doing this? I tried simply extending the maxAge, but that didn't seem to do anything...
expressServer.get '/blah', (request, response) =>
request.session.cookie.maxAge = 2592000
response.end 'hello there'
I tried making a simple server to test updating a user's cookie. I'm using Express 3.0.4
When I visit, the browser cookie's "expires" field is still "session"...
express = require 'express'
expressServer = express()
expressServer.use express.cookieParser()
expressServer.use express.session
secret: 'supersecret'
path: '/'
httpOnly: true
expressServer.get '/', (request, response) =>
response.end 'hello'
expressServer.get '/blah', (request, response) =>
request.session.cookie.maxAge = 3600000
response.end 'hello again'
expressServer.listen 9000
console.log 'server running'
request.session.blah = Date()
and things magically work? – Gingery