Cheat Sheet: Pandas plot ..all you need(Version v02, 30.12.22)
Variante 1: simply
df[["A", "B"]].plot(secondary_y=["B"])
Variante 2: with more settings
df[["A", "B"]].loc["2017"].plot(secondary_y=["B"], figsize=(14,7))
plt.title(r"my $\mathbf{The \hspace{0.1} Title}$") #..only bold single words with LaTeX ..\hspace{0.1} required for spacing between words
#r"raw string" ensure that the backslash character in TeX notation is not interpreted as an escape character
Variante 3: with additional information
year_start = "2010" #with pure zoom effect
year_end = "2017" #
#a)left y-axis
df["A"].loc[year_start:year_end].plot(marker=".", linestyle="--", figsize=(14,7))
plt.legend() #Legend ..from left y-axis, top right
#b)right y-axis
df["B"].loc[year_start:year_end].plot(secondary_y=["B"], color="blue", alpha=0.35)
plt.ylabel("B-values", fontweight="bold", fontstyle="italic") #draw whole text: bold and italic
plt.axhline(y=0, linestyle="--", label="zero line")
plt.axvline(x=df.index[splitInt], color="blue", linestyle="--", label="train-test-split")
plt.legend(loc ="center right") #Legend ..from right y-axis, "upper, center, lower + left, center, right"
plt.title(f"my Chart-Title: from {year_start} to {year_end}")
plt.tight_layout() #makes better use of chart space
ax = plt.gca() #you need an object ax and only there is the function set_facecolor()
ax.set_facecolor("yellow") #set chart background color