When you just want your xml, parsed to be used, and you don't care for any namespaces,
you just remove them. Regular expressions are good, and way faster than my method below.
But for a safer approach when removing namespaces, one could parse the xml with SimpleXML and ask for the namespaces it has, like below:
$xml = '...';
$namespaces = simplexml_load_string($xml)->getDocNamespaces(true);
//The line bellow fetches default namespace with empty key, like this: '' => 'url'
//So we remove any default namespace from the array
$namespaces = array_filter(array_keys($namespaces), function($k){return !empty($k);});
$namespaces = array_map(function($ns){return "$ns:";}, $namespaces);
$ns_clean_xml = str_replace("xmlns=", "ns=", $xml);
$ns_clean_xml = str_replace($namespaces, array_fill(0, count($namespaces), ''), $ns_clean_xml);
$xml_obj = simplexml_load_string($ns_clean_xml);
Thus you hit replace only for the namespaces avoiding to remove anything else the xml could have.
Actually I am using it as a method:
function refined_simplexml_load_string($xml_string) {
if(false === ($x1 = simplexml_load_string($xml_string)) ) return false;
$namespaces = array_keys($x1->getDocNamespaces(true));
$namespaces = array_filter($namespaces, function($k){return !empty($k);});
$namespaces = array_map(function($ns){return "$ns:";}, $namespaces);
return simplexml_load_string($ns_clean_xml = str_replace(
array_merge(["xmlns="], $namespaces),
array_merge(["ns="], array_fill(0, count($namespaces), '')),