answering my own question here.
I have done some work with JSON in Excel VBA and lots of findings to post which I will do so in Q & A format
So elsewhere on stackoverflow one can see questions about parsing JSON in VBA but they seem to miss a trick or two.
To begin with, I resile from using custom JSON parsing libraries and instead use the ScriptControl's Eval method as the basis of all my JSON code. And also we express a preference from native Microsoft solutions.
Here is a prior question In Excel VBA on Windows, how to mitigate issue of dot syntax traversal of parsed JSON broken by IDE's capitalisation behaviour? upon which this question builds. It shows how using VBA.CallByName is more robust than using the dot syntax to traverse a parsed JSON object.
In this question it is asked how to traverse a parsed JSON array. Firstly here is a miniscript approach with a hat tip to ozmike
'Microsoft Script Control 1.0; {0E59F1D2-1FBE-11D0-8FF2-00A0D10038BC}; C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msscript.ocx
Private Sub TestJSONParsingArrayWithMiniScript()
'Hat tip to ozmike
'Based on
Dim oScriptEngine As ScriptControl
Set oScriptEngine = New ScriptControl
oScriptEngine.Language = "JScript"
oScriptEngine.AddCode "Object.prototype.myitem=function( i ) { return this[i] } ; "
Dim sJsonString As String
sJsonString = "[ 1234, 2345 ]"
Dim objJSON As Object
Set objJSON = oScriptEngine.Eval("(" + sJsonString + ")")
Debug.Assert objJSON.myitem(0) = 1234
Debug.Assert objJSON.myitem(1) = 2345
End Sub
But believe it or not VBA.CallByName can be used natively not just to get an array's length but also access elements. See answer.
This is Question 2 of series of 5. Here is the full series
Q2 In Excel VBA on Windows, how to loop through a JSON array parsed?
Q5 In Excel VBA on Windows, for parsed JSON variables what is this JScriptTypeInfo anyway?