If we want to store the line numbers of highlighted words along with their corresponding lines in gvim (similar to :g/), we can add the following code to ~/.gvimrc. Then, use :F to open the [Scratch] File.
command! -nargs=? F let @a='' | execute 'redir @a | silent g//print' | redir END | silent execute 'new | setlocal bt=nofile | put=split(@a, ''\n'') | set syntax=vera | 1d'
command! -nargs=? F: This defines a custom command named "F" that can take an optional argument (-nargs=? specifies that the command can take zero or more arguments).
let @a='': This clears the content of register "a". The register "@" is commonly used for yanking and pasting text in Vim.
execute 'redir @a | silent g//print': This part of the command executes the :global command (g//print) with the provided argument(s). The :global command is used to perform an operation on lines that match a given pattern. In this case, it's searching for lines that match the specified pattern (given by ) and printing them. The redir @a part redirects the output of the command to register "a".
redir END: This stops the redirection of output, ending the :redir command started previously. It ensures that subsequent output is not redirected.
silent execute 'new | setlocal bt=nofile | put=split(@a, ''\n'') | set syntax=vera | 1d': This executes a series of commands silently:
new: This opens a new buffer.
setlocal bt=nofile: This sets the buffer type (bt) to "nofile", which means it's not associated with any file.
put=split(@a, '\n'): This splits the content of register "a" into lines and puts it into the buffer. The split() function is used to split a string into a list based on a delimiter ('\n' represents a newline character).
set syntax=vera: This sets the syntax highlighting of the buffer to "vera".
1d: This deletes the first line of the buffer.
So, in summary, the command searches for lines matching a pattern, captures those lines, opens a new scratch buffer, populates it with the captured lines, sets the syntax highlighting, and then deletes the first line (which typically contains the pattern used for the search).
just use/pattern
and then traverse it forward pressingN
or backward pressingshift+N
– Opposition:g//p#
to see grep like output for the whole buffer – Expand:g/pid/ normal >>
will indent these lines,:v/pid/d
deletes all other lines; – Expand