Here is a JavaScript version without promises..
These are the global variables (collections are not required, just a bad habit of mine)..
///create a collection of cool things and instantiate it (globally)
var CoolCollection = Parse.Collection.extend({
model: CoolThing
}), coolCollection = new CoolCollection();
This is the "looping" function that gets your results..
//recursive call, initial loopCount is 0 (we haven't looped yet)
function getAllRecords(loopCount){
///set your record limit
var limit = 1000;
///create your eggstra-special query
new Parse.Query(CoolThings)
.skip(limit * loopCount) //<-important
success: function (results) {
if(results.length > 0){
//we do stuff in here like "add items to a collection of cool things"
for(var j=0; j < results.length; j++){
loopCount++; //<--increment our loop because we are not done
getAllRecords(loopCount); //<--recurse
//our query has run out of steam, this else{} will be called one time only
//do something awesome with each of your cool things
error: function (error) {
//badness with the find
This is how you call it (or you could do it other ways):