Generic programming is a very simple form of metacoding albeit not usually runtime. It's more like the preprocessor in C and relates more to template programming in most use cases and basic implementations.
You'll find often in typed languages that you'll create a few implementations of something where only the type if different. In languages such as Java this can be especially painful since every class and interface is defining a new type.
You can generate those classes by converting them to a string literal then replacing the class name with a variable to interpolate.
Where generics are used in runtime it's a bit different, in that case it's simply variable programming, programming using variables.
The way to envisage that is simple, take to files, compare them and turn anything different into a variable. Now you have only one file that is reusable. You only have to specify what's different, hence the name variable.
How generics came about it that not everything can be made variable like the variable type you expect or a cast type. Often there would by a lot of file duplication where the only thing that was variable was the variable types. This was a very common source of duplication. Although there are ways around it or to mitigate it they aren't particularly convenient. Generics have come along as a kind of variable variable to allow making the variable type variable. Because the variable type is something normally expressing in the programming language that can now be specified in runtime it is also considered metacoding, albeit a very simple case.
The effect of not having variability where you need it is to unroll your variables, that is you are forced instead of having a variable to make an implementation for every possible would be variable value.
As you can imagine that is quite expensive. This would be very common when using any kind of reusage object storage library. These will accept any object but in most cases people only want to sore one type of objdct. If you put in a Shop object which extends Object then want to retrieve it, the method signature on the storage object will return simply Object but your code will expect a Shop object. This will break compilation with the downgrade of the object unless you cast it back up to shop. This raises another conundrum as without generics there is no way to check for compatibility and ensure the object you are storing is a Shop class.
Java avoids metaprogramming and tries to keep the language simple using OOP principles of polymorphism instead to make flexible code. However there are some pressing and reoccurring problems that through experience have presented themselves and are addressed with the addition of minimal metaprogramming facilities. Java does not want to be a metaprogramming language but sparingly imports concepts from there to solve the most nagging problems.
Programming languages that offer lavage metacoding facilities can be significantly more productive than languages than avoid it barring special cases, reflection, OOP polymorphism, etc. However it often also takes a lot more skill and expertise to generate un=nderstandable, maintaiable and bug free code. There is also often a performance penalty for such languages with C++ being a bit of an oddball because it is compiled to native.
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– Patman