Currently I was able to view all my markers in Google maps using Android Google maps API v2.
Adding my marker in map:
(new MarkerOptions()
I have several markers and assigned few values (My_VALUE_1 and My_VALUE_2) to each marker's snippet and title. When user clicks a marker, I need these unique value and I will receive these values in onMarkerClick listener as:
public boolean onMarkerClick(Marker theMarker)
String aValue1 = theMarker.getSnippet();
String aValue2 = theMarker.getTitle();
return false;
My question is: as I am adding the snippet and title values to the marker, when user clicks the marker, infoWindow is displayed.
I need to hide the marker's infoWindow. I tried with hideInfoWindow, but it seems to be not working.
Any suggestions please.
Thank You.
before youreturn true;
– Snook