I get the problem that etcd/consul/$whatever are trying to solve. Service consumers need to talk to service providers, a hugely fluid distributed system needs a mechanism to marry the two.
However, the problem of "where do service consumers go with their requests?" is old and IMO has been solved with MOM -- message oriented middleware.
In MOM, the idea is that service consumers do not care where the service providers live. They simply send a message and have the messaging bus take care of routing the message to the appropriate consumer. There can be multiple providers all doing the same thing (queue-based round-robin) or versioned providers (/v1/request goes to one, /v2/request goes to another).
This is a simple, powerful integration pattern that completely decouples a service interface from its implementation.
And yet I see this bizarre obsession with discovering service providers, which appears to create tight coupling between consumers and providers (in addition to a few other anti-patterns as well.)
So, what am I missing here? TIA.