While developing UWP application I recently found quite a few memory leaks preventing my pages from being collected by GC. I have a ContentPresenter on my page like:
<ContentControl Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="1" Content="{x:Bind ViewModel.Schedule, Mode=OneWay}">
After I remove the Content, or replace it with dynamic {Binding} -- page is collected when I navigate from it. Otherwise it remains in memory. Is it bug or I'm doing something wrong? Is there a way to release and clear ALL the bindings on navigating from?
UPDATE: It seems to be a known problem inside Microsoft as was stated here. But as far as I can see through my own test/app usage the data that is preserved by the x:Bind still gets collected after some time, when you, for example, navigate to the same pages or create the same controls for some time. I could see that new objects were created, but old ones at some point got collected.
So for me it doesn't seem to be a drastic problem causing out of memory, it only doesn't allow objects get collected as quickly as dynamic binding will.