Okay, I've spent over a week trying to figure this out to no avail, so if anyone has a clue, you are a hero. This isn't going to be an easy question to answer, unless I am being a dunce.
I am using node-http-proxy to proxy sticky sessions to 16 node.js workers running on different ports.
I use Socket.IO's Web Sockets to handle a bunch of different types of requests, and use traditional requests as well.
When I switched my server over to proxying via node-http-proxy, a new problem crept up in that sometimes, my Socket.IO session cannot establish a connection.
I literally can't stably reproduce it for the life of me, with the only way to turn it on being to throw a lot of traffic from multiple clients to the server.
If I reload the user's browser, it can then sometimes re-connect, and sometimes not.
Sticky Sessions
I have to proxy sticky sessions as my app authenticates on a per-worker basis, and so it routes a request based on its Connect.SID cookie (I am using connect/express).
Okay, some code
This is my proxy.js file that runs in node and routes to each of the workers:
var http = require('http');
var httpProxy = require('http-proxy');
// What ports the proxy is routing to.
var data = {
proxyPort: 8888,
currentPort: 8850,
portStart: 8850,
portEnd: 8865,
// Just gives the next port number.
nextPort = function() {
var next = data.currentPort++;
next = (next > data.portEnd) ? data.portStart : next;
data.currentPort = next;
return data.currentPort;
// A hash of Connect.SIDs for sticky sessions.
data.routes = {}
var svr = httpProxy.createServer(function (req, res, proxy) {
var port = false;
// parseCookies is just a little function
// that... parses cookies.
var cookies = parseCookies(req);
// If there is an SID passed from the browser.
if (cookies['connect.sid'] !== undefined) {
var ip = req.connection.remoteAddress;
if (data.routes[cookies['connect.sid']] !== undefined) {
// If there is already a route assigned to this SID,
// make that route's port the assigned port.
port = data.routes[cookies['connect.sid']].port;
} else {
// If there isn't a route for this SID,
// create the route object and log its
// assigned port.
port = data.currentPort;
data.routes[cookies['connect.sid']] = {
port: port,
} else {
// Otherwise assign a random port, it will/
// pick up a connect SID on the next go.
// This doesn't really happen.
port = nextPort();
// Now that we have the chosen port,
// proxy the request.
proxy.proxyRequest(req, res, {
host: '',
port: port
// Now we handle WebSocket requests.
// Basically, I feed off of the above route
// logic and try to route my WebSocket to the
// same server regular requests are going to.
svr.on('upgrade', function (req, socket, head) {
var cookies = parseCookies(req);
var port = false;
// Make sure there is a Connect.SID,
if (cookies['connect.sid'] != undefined) {
// Make sure there is a route...
if (data.routes[cookies['connect.sid']] !== undefined) {
// Assign the appropriate port.
port = data.routes[cookies['connect.sid']].port;
} else {
// this has never, ever happened, i've been logging it.
} else {
// this has never, ever happened, i've been logging it.
if (port === false) {
// this has never happened...
// So now route the WebSocket to the same port
// as the regular requests are getting.
svr.proxy.proxyWebSocketRequest(req, socket, head, {
host: 'localhost',
port: port
Client Side / The Phenomena
Socket connects like so:
var socket = io.connect('http://whatever:8888');
After about 10 seconds on logging on, I get this error back on this listener, which doesn't help much.
socket.on('error', function (data) {
// this is what gets triggered. ->
// Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at ws://whatever:8888/socket.io/1/websocket/Nnx08nYaZkLY2N479KX0.
The Socket.IO GET request that the browser sends never comes back - it just hangs in pending, even after the error comes back, so it looks like a timeout error. The server never responds.
Server Side - A Worker
This is how a worker receives a socket request. Pretty simple. All workers have the same code, so you think one of them would get the request and acknowledge it...
app.sio.socketio.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
// works... some of the time! all of my workers run this
// exact same process.
That's a lot of data, and I doubt anyone is willing to confront it, but i'm totally stumped, don't know where to check next, log next, whatever, to solve it. I've tried everything I know to see what the problem is, to no avail.
Okay, I am fairly certain that the problem is in this statement on the node-http-proxy github homepage:
node-http-proxy is <= 0.8.x compatible, if you're looking for a >= 0.10 compatible version please check caronte
I am running Node.js v0.10.13, and the phenomena is exactly as some have commented in github issues on this subject: it just drops websocket connections randomly.
I've tried to implement caronte, the 'newer' fork, but it is not at all documented and I have tried my hardest to piece together their docs in a workable solution, but I can't get it forwarding websockets, my Socket.IO downgrades to polling.
Are there any other ideas on how to get this implemented and working? node-http-proxy has 8200 downloads yesterday! Sure someone is using a Node build from this year and proxying websockets....
What I am look for exactly
I want to accomplish a proxy server (preferrably Node) that proxies to multiple node.js workers, and which routes the requests via sticky sessions based on a browser cookie. This proxy would need to stably support traditional requests as well as web sockets.
I don't mind accomplishing the above via clustered node workers, if that works. My only real requirement is maintaining sticky sessions based on a cookie in the request header.
If there is a better way to accomplish the above than what I am trying, I am all for it.