Say I have a ZonedDateTime of 2018-10-30T18:04:58.874Z
How can I convert this to OffsetDateTime 2018-10-30T13:04:58.874-05:00
I'd prefer the offset to be the default/system offset, for example pulled from
Say I have a ZonedDateTime of 2018-10-30T18:04:58.874Z
How can I convert this to OffsetDateTime 2018-10-30T13:04:58.874-05:00
I'd prefer the offset to be the default/system offset, for example pulled from
From your ZonedDateTime
you need to specify in which other zone you want your OffsetDateTime
, precise the zone and them use .toOffsetDateTime()
ZonedDateTime z = ZonedDateTime.parse("2018-10-30T18:04:58.874Z");
System.out.println(z); //2018-10-30T18:04:58.874Z
OffsetDateTime o = z.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("UTC-5")).toOffsetDateTime();
System.out.println(o); //2018-10-30T13:04:58.874-05:00
This will shift the time zone from current/now:
I think the correct way to do it is as follows:
ZonedDateTime date = ZonedDateTime.parse("2018-10-30T18:04:58.874Z");
ZoneOffset offset = ZoneId.systemDefault().getRules().getOffset(date.toInstant());
ZonedDateTime dateInMyZone = date.withZoneSameInstant(offset)
getting it from now() will give you a possibly wrong result casue the offset can change during the year due to DST
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