I have written the documentation for a medium sized C++ piece of software using Doxygen together with Markdown. I am quite happy with it, as after changing the xml layer I ended up with something like that: http://docs.mitk.org/nightly/index.html
I would like to bring this documentation online, ideally using something like ReadtheDocs, where the documentation would be automatically built after a "git commit", and hosted to be browsed.
ReadtheDocs looks like the ideal site but uses Sphinx and reStructuredText as defaults. Doxygen can be used too, but AFAIK only through Breathe. Going through that route essentially means that I would need to re-structure all the documentation if I don't want to dump all the API documentation into a single page (http://librelist.com/browser//breathe/2011/8/6/fwd-guidance-for-usage-breathe-with-existing-doxygen-set-up-on-a-large-project/#cab3f36b1e4bb2294e2507acad71775f).
Paradoxically, Doxygen is installed in the read-the-docs server, but after struggling I could not find a workaround to skip its Sphinx or Mkdocs.