I'm working with a group of friends on a small electronic device. We're getting promising results with the prototype and we're very excited about releasing it into the market.
We would love to implement our device as an iphone external accessory and I'm trying to gather reliable information. Everything looks pretty confusing though.
The proper way to introduce an iphone peripheral into the market seems to be through the Mfi (Made for iphone) program. These are the facts:
- We have limited resources and we would like to know more about the associated costs of getting approved by Apple.
- If we apply to the Mfi program I guess Apple is going to request details about our device. What does Apple expect to see to consider a project "serious" and suitable to be approved?
- We don't even exist as a company yet. I saw that individuals cannot register into the Mfi program so it seems we would have to formalize our collaboration before seriously considering iphone as an option. Am I right?
- We have the hardware and we have a clear idea about the iphone app. The communication interface between the iphone and the hardware is a big question mark and this info seems to be protected under NDA agreements with device vendors. Is this right? Isn't there any way to get proper specifications about the communications protocols, electronics components involved, power output from the conector without first being approved by apple?
It would be extremely helpful it there's someone out there who went through the process and can give us some advice. Thanks in advance!