I'm trying to work out the cleanest way to load the initial state of my Redux stores when it comes from API calls.
I understand that the typical way of providing the initial state is to generate it server-side on page load, and provide it to Redux createStore() as a simple object. However, I'm writing an app that I'm planning on packaging up in Electron and so this doesn't work.
The best that I've been able to come up with so far is to fire an action immediately after creating the store that will go and request the initial state for the store - either one action that retrieves the entire initial state or a number of actions that each retrieve the initial state for one part of the store. This would then mean that my code looks like:
const store = createStore(reducer, Immutable.Map(), middleware);
Whilst this will work, it seems a bit on the crude side and so I'm wondering if there's some better alternative that I'm missing?