In a backing bean's @PostConstruct method, I make a call to an EJB which might return some messages that I want to display on the page via p:messages. However, even if I add the FacesMessages e.g. FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(...), p:messages is not being updated with the FacesMessages.
If I instead invoke the call to the EJB on an action from the page (say a user clicks a button on the page which invokes a method that calls the EJB and then adds the FacesMessage(s)), then the messags show up using p:messages as expected.
How do I add Faces Messages during @PostConstruct and have them show up when the page is initially rendered?
public class Page1Controller
public void init()
new FacesMessage("Test Message from @PostConstruct"));
public String getValue()
return "Some Value";
public void triggerMessage(ActionEvent event)
new FacesMessage("Test Message from Trigger Button"));
<p:messages showDetail="true" showSummary="true" autoUpdate="true"/>
<h:outputText value="#{page1Controller.value}"/>
<p:commandButton value="Trigger Message"