“feature branches” is when each feature is developed in its own branch and only merged into the main line when it has been tested and is ready to ship. This allows the product owner to choose the features that go into a given shipment and to “park” feature that are part written if more important work comes in (e.g. a customer phones up the MD to complain).
“refactoring” is transforming the code to improve its design so as to reduce to cost of change. Without doing this continually you tend to get uglier code bases which is more difficult to write tests for.
In real life there are always customers that have been sold new features and due to politics all the customers have to see that progress is being made on “their” group of features. So it is very rarely that there is a time without a lot of half-finished features sitting on branches.
If any refactoring has been done, the merging in the “feature branches” become a lot harder if not impossible.
Do we just have to give up on being able to do any refactoring?
See also "How do you handle the tension between refactoring and the need for merging?"
My view these days is that due to the political reasons that resulted in these long living branches and the disempowerment of the development director that prevented him from taking action, I should have quicker started looking for a new job.