I have been programming arm/thumb for many years lots of assembler and have needed very few of the many directives out there.
is quite important as pointed out by another responder.
for example
.globl _start
b reset
.globl one
add r0,r0,#1
bx lr
.globl two
add r0,r0,#2
bx lr
.globl three
add r0,r0,#3
bx lr
.word two
.word three
or used to be something like .code32
or .code 32
tells it this is arm code not thumb code, which for your cortex-m3 you won't need to use.
likewise, used to be .code 16
or maybe that still works, same deal makes the following code thumb not arm.
If the labels you are using are not global labels that you need to branch to from other files or indirectly, then won't need the .thumb_func
. But in order for the address of a branch to one of these global labels to be computed properly (lsbit is a 1 for thumb and 0 for arm) you want to mark it as a thumb or arm label and the thumb_func does that, otherwise you have to set that bit before branching adding more code and the label is not callable from C.
00000000 <_start>:
0: eaffffff b 4 <one>
00000004 <one>:
4: e2800001 add r0, r0, #1
8: e12fff1e bx lr
0000000c <two>:
c: 3002 adds r0, #2
e: 4770 bx lr
00000010 <three>:
10: 3003 adds r0, #3
12: 4770 bx lr
14: 0000000c andeq r0, r0, ip
18: 00000011 andeq r0, r0, r1, lsl r0
Up to the .thumb
the assembler is arm code as desired.
Both the two and three labels/functions are thumb code as desired but the two label has an even numbered address and three has the proper odd numbered address.
The latest codesourcery tools were used to assemble, link, and dump the above sample.
Now for the cortex-m3 where everything is thumb(/thumb2) .thumb_func
may not be as important, it may just work with command line switches (very easy to do an experiment to find out). It is a good habit to have though in case you move away from a thumb only processor to a normal arm/thumb core.
Assemblers generally like to add all of these directives and other ways of making things look/feel more like a high level language. I am just saying you don't have to use them, I switched assemblers for arm and use many different assemblers for many different processors and prefer the less is more approach, meaning focus on the assembly itself and use as few tool specific items as possible. I am usually the exception not the rule though, so you can probably figure out the more often used directives by looking at what directives the compiler output generates (and verify with documentation).
unsigned int one ( unsigned int x )
.arch armv5te
.fpu softvfp
.eabi_attribute 20, 1
.eabi_attribute 21, 1
.eabi_attribute 23, 3
.eabi_attribute 24, 1
.eabi_attribute 25, 1
.eabi_attribute 26, 2
.eabi_attribute 30, 2
.eabi_attribute 18, 4
.file "bob.c"
.align 2
.global one
.type one, %function
@ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0
@ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
@ link register save eliminated.
add r0, r0, #1
bx lr
.size one, .-one
.ident "GCC: (Sourcery G++ Lite 2010.09-50) 4.5.1"
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
I do use the .align
when mixing arm and thumb assembler or data in with assembler, you would expect the assembler for such a platform to know something as obvious as thumb instructions are on halfword boundaries and arm instructions are aligned on word boundaries. The tools are not always that smart. Sprinkling .align
s about won't hurt.
is the default so that is a bit redundant, but won't hurt. .text
and .data
are standard attributes (not specific to arm) if you are compiling for a combination of rom and ram on your target you may care (depends on what you do with your linker script), otherwise .text
will work for everything.
apparently the size of the function start to that directive. The assembler cannot figure this out on its own, so if the size of this function is important for your code, linker script, debugger, loader, whatever then this needs to be right, otherwise you don't have to bother. A function is a high level concept anyway assembler doesn't really have functions much less a need to declare their size. And the C compiler certainly doesn't care, it is only looking for a label to branch to and in the case of the arm family is it thumb code or arm code that is being branched to.
you may find the .pool directive
(there is a newer equivalent) useful if you are lazy with your immediates (ldr rx,=0x12345678
) on long stretches of code. Here again the tools are not always smart enough to place this data after an unconditional branch, you sometimes have to tell them. I say lazy half seriously, it is painful to do the label: .word
thing all the time and I believe both the arm and gcc tools allowed for that shortcut, so I use it as much as anyone else.
Also note llvm outputs an additional .eabi_attribute
or two that is supported by code sourcery's version/mods to binutils but not supported (perhaps yet) by the gnu released binutils. Two solutions that work, modify llvm's asm print function to not write the eabi_attributes
or at least write them with a comment (@
), or get the binutils source/mods from code sourcery and build binutils that way. code sourcery tends to lead gnu (thumb2 support for example) or perhaps backports new features, so I assume these llvm attributes will be present in the mainline binutils before long. I have suffered no ill effects by trimming the eabi_attribute
s off of the llvm compiled code.
Here is the llvm output for the same function above, apparently this is the llc that I modified to comment out the eabi_attribute
.syntax unified
@ .eabi_attribute 20, 1
@ .eabi_attribute 21, 1
@ .eabi_attribute 23, 3
@ .eabi_attribute 24, 1
@ .eabi_attribute 25, 1
@ .eabi_attribute 44, 1
.file "bob.bc"
.globl one
.align 2
.type one,%function
one: @ @one
@ BB#0: @ %entry
add r0, r0, #1
bx lr
.size one, .Ltmp0-one
The elf file format is well documented and very easy to parse if you want to really see what the elf specific directives (if any) are doing. Many of these directives are to help the linker more than anything. .thumb_func
, .text
, .data
for example.
readelf -a
on them. – Dithionite