Adding ellipses to a principal component analysis (PCA) plot
Asked Answered



I am having trouble adding grouping variable ellipses on top of an individual site PCA factor plot which also includes PCA variable factor arrows.

My code:

prin_comp<-rda(data[,2:9], scale=TRUE)

#sites=individual site PC1 & PC2 scores, Waterbody=Row Grouping Variable.
#site scores in the PCA plot are stratified by Waterbody type.


#species=column PCA1 & PCA2 Response variables

#I want to draw 'Waterbody' Grouping Variable ellipses that encompass completely, 
# their appropriate individual site scores (this is to visualise total error/variance).

I have attempted to use both dataellipse, plotellipses & ellipse functions but to no avail. Ignorance is winning out on this one. If I have not supplied enough info please let me know.

Data (log10 transformed):

data <- data.frame(
  Waterbody = factor(rep(
    c("River", "Stream", "Ditch", "Garden Pond", "Peri-Urban Ponds"),
    c(20L, 20L, 8L, 20L, 10L)
  Catchment_Size = rep(
      9.73045926, 8.602059991, 5.230525555, 5.271197816, 5.310342762, 5.674064357,
      5.745077916, 5.733059168, 5.90789752, 5.969640923, 0, 0.419955748, 0,
      0.079181246, 0, 0.274157849, 0, 0.301029996, 1, 0.62838893, 0.243038049, 0,
      1.183269844, 0, 1.105510185, 0, 0.698970004, 2, 1.079181246, 2.954242509,
      1.84509804, 1.477121255, 2.477121255, 3.662757832, 1.397940009, 1.84509804, 0
    rep(c(20L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 3L, 1L), c(2L, 8L, 1L, 10L, 1L, 15L))
  pH = c(
    0.888740961, 0.891537458, 0.890421019, 0.904715545, 0.886490725, 0.88592634,
    0.892651034, 0.891537458, 0.895422546, 0.8876173, 0.881384657, 0.888179494,
    0.876794976, 0.898725182, 0.894316063, 0.882524538, 0.881384657, 0.916980047,
    0.890979597, 0.886490725, 0.88592634, 0.903089987, 0.889301703, 0.897627091,
    0.896526217, 0.890979597, 0.927370363, 0.904174368, 0.907948522, 0.890979597,
    0.910090546, 0.892094603, 0.896526217, 0.891537458, 0.894869657, 0.894316063,
    0.898725182, 0.914343157, 0.923244019, 0.905256049, 0.870988814, 0.868644438,
    0.872156273, 0.874481818, 0.88422877, 0.876217841, 0.874481818, 0.8876173,
    0.859138297, 0.887054378, 0.856124444, 0.856124444, 0.860936621, 0.903089987,
    0.860338007, 0.8876173, 0.860338007, 0.906335042, 0.922206277, 0.851869601,
    0.862131379, 0.868056362, 0.869818208, 0.861534411, 0.875061263, 0.852479994,
    0.868644438, 0.898725182, 0.870403905, 0.88422877, 0.867467488, 0.905256049,
    0.88536122, 0.8876173, 0.876794976, 0.914871818, 0.899820502, 0.946943271
  Conductivity = c(
    2.818885415, 2.824125834, 2.824776462, 2.829303773, 2.824125834, 2.82672252,
    2.829303773, 2.82672252, 2.824776462, 2.829946696, 2.846337112, 2.862727528,
    2.845718018, 2.848804701, 2.86923172, 2.85308953, 2.867467488, 2.847572659,
    2.86569606, 2.849419414, 2.504606771, 2.506775537, 2.691346764, 2.628797486,
    2.505963518, 2.48756256, 2.501470072, 2.488973525, 2.457124626, 2.778295991,
    2.237040791, 2.429267666, 2.3287872, 2.461198289, 2.384174139, 2.386320574,
    2.410608543, 2.404320467, 2.426836454, 2.448397103, 2.768704683, 2.76718556,
    2.771602178, 2.775289978, 2.90579588, 2.909020854, 3.007747778, 3.017867719,
    2.287129621, 2.099680641, 2.169674434, 1.980457892, 2.741781696, 2.597804842,
    2.607669437, 2.419129308, 2.786751422, 2.639884742, 2.19893187, 2.683497318,
    2.585235063, 2.393048466, 2.562411833, 2.785329835, 2.726808683, 2.824776462,
    2.699056855, 2.585122186, 2.84260924, 2.94792362, 2.877371346, 2.352568386,
    2.202760687, 2.819543936, 2.822168079, 2.426348574, 2.495683068, 2.731266349
  NO3 = c(
    1.366236124, 1.366236124, 1.376029182, 1.385606274, 1.376029182, 1.385606274,
    1.385606274, 1.385606274, 1.376029182, 1.385606274, 1.458637849, 1.489114369,
    1.482158695, 1.496098992, 1.502290528, 1.50174373, 1.500785173, 1.499549626,
    1.485721426, 1.490520309, 0.693726949, 0.693726949, 1.246005904, 1.159266331,
    0.652246341, 0.652246341, 0.883093359, 0.85672889, 0.828659897, 1.131297797,
    0.555094449, 0.85672889, 0.731588765, 0.883093359, 0.731588765, 0.731588765,
    0.693726949, 0.693726949, 0.693726949, 0.693726949, 1.278524965, 1.210853365,
    1.318480725, 1.308777774, 1.404833717, 1.412796429, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    1.204391332, 0, 0, 0, 0.804820679, 0, 0, 0.021189299, 0, 0, 0.012837225, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0.539076099, 0, 0, 1.619406411, 0, 0, 1.380753771, 0, 0, 0, 0.931966115
  NH4 = c(
    0.14, 0.14, 0.18, 0.19, 0.2, 0.2, 0.15, 0.14, 0.11, 0.11, 0.04, 0.06, 0.04,
    0.03, 0.07, 0.03, 0.03, 0.04, 0.04, 0.03, 0.01, 0, 0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.02, 0.05,
    0.03, 0.04, 0.02, 0.21, 0.19, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.05, 0.08, 0.11, 0.04, 0.04,
    0.15, 2.03, 0.14, 0.09, 0.05, 0.04, 2.82, 3.18, 0.06, 0.12, 2.06, 0.1, 0.14,
    0.06, 1.06, 0.03, 0.04, 0.03, 0.03, 1.91, 0.2, 1.35, 0.69, 0.05, 0.17, 3.18,
    0.21, 0.1, 0.03, 1.18, 0.01, 0.03, 0.02, 0.09, 0.14, 0.02, 0.07, 0.17
  SRP = c(
    0.213348889, 0.221951667, 0.24776, 0.228833889, 0.232275, 0.249480556,
    0.259803889, 0.244318889, 0.249480556, 0.240877778, 0.314861667, 0.292494444,
    0.311420556, 0.306258889, 0.285612222, 0.323464444, 0.316582222, 0.34067,
    0.285612222, 0.321743889, 0.074328, 0.074328, 0.120783, 0.133171, 0.0820705,
    0.080522, 0.0789735, 0.0820705, 0.080522, 0.0913615, 0.136268, 0.1656895,
    0.1223315, 0.130074, 0.1192345, 0.1285255, 0.1873685, 0.167238, 0.15485,
    0.157947, 0.1378165, 0.1966595, 0.198208, 0.241566, 0.037164, 0.0325185,
    0.455259, 0.560557, 0.07987, 0.02119, 0.02119, 0.03912, 0.36349, 0.40098,
    0.04401, 0.07172, 0.15322, 0.92421, 0.02282, 0.17604, 0.17767, 0.66667,
    0.28688, 0.03586, 0.17278, 0.07661, 0.10432, 1.12959, 0.0170335, 0.0975555,
    0.009291, 0.0263245, 0.037164, 0.2214355, 0.0449065, 0.068134, 0.09291,
  Zn = c(
    0.802630077, 1.172124009, 0.891565332, 0.600253919, 0.583912562, 0.962473516,
    0.99881711, 0.709787074, 1.139860204, 0.953730706, 0.945832806, 0.906270378,
    0.81663232, 0.912514323, 0.935073763, 1.032328597, 1.357197063, 1.070662063,
    0.51200361, 0.987514325, 1.433709044, 1.380974206, 1.143661074, 0.999774108,
    1.449654241, 1.366165106, 1.014239038, 0.891258617, 0.703978825, 1.086487964,
    1.503432481, 1.243241499, 0.890504851, 0.291391053, 0, 0.802855789,
    0.776316103, 0.927421695, 0.421505212, 0.952099537, 0.688802331, 0.852504392,
    0.773545103, 1.006581553, 1.028229538, 0.880619259, 0.833408503, 1.038608242,
    1.107084413, 0.973967909, 2.135781222, 1.819197019, 1.629353525, 1.163194184,
    1.343286462, 1.273614642, 1.92374902, 1.70523233, 1.377623112, 1.119971423,
    1.461175762, 1.691856516, 1.661826878, 1.104531494, 1.449455257, 1.092376721,
    1.519029523, 1.553407226, 1.52652924, 1.332876573, 1.293079563, 0.996734891,
    1.590475126, 1.525755949, 1.180418366, 0.712624451, 0.6739512, 0.585043155
  Mn = c(
    0.817367016, 0.799340549, 1.023910606, 1.012921546, 0.821579028, 1.321888278,
    1.115077717, 1.02031984, 1.135482491, 1.073645046, 1.016866271, 1.052809328,
    0.818423855, 0.836387419, 1.151032582, 0.720490068, 1.03746634, 1.072580733,
    1.041590047, 0.979548375, 1.073168262, 1.134336511, 0.916137983, 0.641374945,
    1.083753378, 0.84441504, 0.547159121, 0.144262774, 1.084826417, 0.674861141,
    0.478566496, 1.211654401, 1.095518042, 0.387033701, 0.647480773, 0.775828814,
    0.533899101, 0.854548936, 0.755188586, 0.714497409, 0.851808514, 0.390051496,
    0.832508913, 1.222482357, 1.477048866, 1.475147977, 2.127826941, 2.132205239,
    1.639576128, 1.155578931, 2.203783274, 1.148448404, 1.644586284, 1.122609024,
    1.577319427, 1.633417953, 1.583901241, 1.215478936, 1.135418905, 1.612847407,
    1.95593777, 1.783639208, 1.567837703, 2.251767151, 0.992155711, 1.738923187,
    0.681964459, 0.852845818, 1.77749932, 2.465019796, 0.887729797, 0.610447221,
    1.777760209, 1.034588354, 0.303196057, 1.793371249, 1.677734668, 1.802157753
  row.names = c(
    "1_1", "1_2", "1_3", "1_4", "1_5", "1_6", "1_7", "1_8", "1_9", "1_10", "1_11",
    "1_12", "1_13", "1_14", "1_15", "1_16", "1_17", "1_18", "1_19", "1_20", "2_1",
    "2_2", "2_3", "2_4", "2_5", "2_6", "2_7", "2_8", "2_9", "2_10", "2_11",
    "2_12", "2_13", "2_14", "2_15", "2_16", "2_17", "2_18", "2_19", "2_20", "3_1",
    "3_2", "3_3", "3_4", "3_5", "3_6", "3_7", "3_8", "4_1", "4_2", "4_3", "4_4",
    "4_5", "4_6", "4_7", "4_8", "4_9", "4_10", "4_11", "4_12", "4_13", "4_14",
    "4_15", "4_16", "4_17", "4_18", "4_19", "4_20", "5_1", "5_2", "5_3", "5_4",
    "5_5", "5_6", "5_7", "5_8", "5_9", "5_10"
Tetartohedral answered 18/12, 2012 at 15:20 Comment(8)
Welcome to StackOverflow! Could you show a reproducible version of your data, by doing dput(data)? (If your data is large you might want to dput just a subset of the rows)Amontillado
Also, is this the rda package from the rda package? If so, where does the scale argument come from (it doesn't seem to be usable in that function).Amontillado
I am new to this so pardon my etiquette davidTetartohedral
It's not a problem at all, Lewis- just want to make sure we have what we need to help!Amontillado
I downloaded the BiodiversityR packageTetartohedral
I cobbled this together from a variety of sources which is why it is probably not the most eloquent code David. I appreciate your helpTetartohedral
I originally attempted it using the FactoMineR package in Rcmdr but that did not allow me to include the variable factor arrows on the individual factor plotTetartohedral
Here's a worked example using FactorMineR that shows vector plot side by side with the sample plot: And with ellipses here:

Since you do not mention this in your question, I will assume that the package you used is vegan, since it has the function rda() that accepts the scale=TRUE argument.

Your initial plot() call was modified as some of variables are not given.

prin_comp<-rda(data[,2:9], scale=TRUE)


To make ellipses, function ordiellipse() of package vegan is used. As arguments PCA analysis object and grouping variable must be provided. To control number of points included in ellipse, argument conf= can be used.


enter image description here

Leicester answered 18/12, 2012 at 17:50 Comment(5)
I also would suggest you to explore library vegan as it has functions for plotting PCA results.Leicester
Thanks Didzis. This is exactly what I was looking for. I believe the vegan package is downloaded automatically when you install the BiodiversityR package.Tetartohedral
very much appreciate everyone's input. stackoverflow was a great findTetartohedral
Yes, BiodiversityR depends on vegan (≥ 1.17-12).Stubby
@Lewis, please consider voting up and accepting the answer if it is what you were looking for (as explained here)Mraz

Here's a ggplot solution, using the nice ggbiplot library. An obvious improvement over plot are the labels on this one.

library(devtools) # don't forget to install Rtools first

data.class <- data[,1]
data.pca <- prcomp(data[,2:9], scale. = TRUE)
g <- ggbiplot(data.pca, obs.scale = 1, var.scale = 1, 
              groups = data.class, ellipse = TRUE, circle = TRUE)
g <- g + scale_color_discrete(name = '')
g <- g + theme(legend.direction = 'horizontal', 
              legend.position = 'top')

enter image description here

Thayne answered 10/1, 2013 at 5:17 Comment(1)
do you have idea how to bold the arrow and eclipses size and how to add repel in ggbiplot PCA ?Laubin

Just going to add this because it could help new users:

If your grouping data are categorical, you have to use as.factor or you'll get :

(Error: Must use a vector in [, not an object of class matrix.)

Changed to :

data.pca <- prcomp(dataPCA[,2:4], scale. = TRUE)
g <- ggbiplot(data.pca, obs.scale = 1, var.scale = 1, 
groups = as.factor(dataPCA$Gender), ellipse = TRUE, circle = TRUE)
g <- g + scale_color_discrete(name = '')
g <- g + theme(legend.direction = 'horizontal', legend.position = 'top')
Merriott answered 26/3, 2020 at 16:5 Comment(0)

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