In the page I'm testing, two buttons may be displayed: BASIC or ADVANCED.
I want to be able to tell if the ADVANCED button is showing -- and if so, click it.
If the BASIC button is showing, I want to do nothing and continue with my test.
All of the Nightwatchjs options I've experimented with generate a failure message. For example if I "waitforpresent" or "waitforvisible" and the button is not there, it generates an error/failure. I just want to know which button is present so I can make a decision in my code.
Here is what I have tried:
try {
browser.isVisible('#advanced-search', function(result) {console.log(result.state); })
} catch (myError)
to determine the visibility of the element? You generally do not expect the test to look for some element that may not present(for the sake of performance at least). I would, in that case, see if the element exists or not and do otherwise(possibly try/catch) as well – Mysia