I'm using Android Jetpack Navigation Component.
I have a nested nav graph with id, say R.id.nested_graph
The first Fragment
of the nested graph receives one parameter.
android:label="Nested Graph"
app:argType="integer" />
How can I pass the parameter to the nested graph using safe args?
At the moment, I need to pass the argument manually in the bundle, using the API that receives the id of the nested graph directly:
val args = Bundle()
args.putInt("item_id", itemId)
navController.navigate(R.id.nested_graph, args)
I'd like to use safe args, and do something like:
val directions = OrigininFragmentDirections.nestedGraph(itemId)
But when trying that, I get the following error at build time:
Too many arguments for public final fun nestedGraph(): NavDirections defined
The issue is that the nav graph preprocessing is generating the factory method to create the NavDirections
object without the required parameter in the signature.
The declaration of the nested graph looks like this: