When I launch application from jnlp I receive message
"Missing Codebase manifest attribute for:xxx.jar
what does it means?
When I launch application from jnlp I receive message
"Missing Codebase manifest attribute for:xxx.jar
what does it means?
Just encountered this, too, when running an internal application after updating my JRE to 1.7u25. The warnings appear because of a new security feature introduced in 1.7u25 to prevent unauthorized code reuse. In my case, I was also presented with a dialog asking me to confirm that I wanted the application to have access to my PC.
If you have access to the jar file, add two attributes to it: Permissions
and Codebase
. You need to decide if the application requires access to everything on the PC, in which case you would use the value all-permissions
for the Permissions
attribute. Otherwise, use sandbox
and the JRE will restrict the code's access level on the PC. Codebase
probably needs to be the same as the codebase for the jnlp file, unless that jar file is being downloaded from a different URL, in which case it needs to be that URL.
Reference: Oracle's Java 7 documentation
java.io.IOException: Invalid signature file digest for Manifest main attributes
. I added a line Permissions: all permissions
and another Codebase: (http:// ...)
like you instructed.. –
Darmit jar -cfm <jar file> <other file with attributes>
Hypoxia Following Peter's answer, this is how you solve the problem in an automated way, in case you're using Netbeans and JavaFX.
Netbeans 7.3.1 still doesn't have this "bug" fixed (it doesn't add the codebase and permissions to the Manifest for you). If you want to use Netbeans to build the project and not manually add the missing attributes (and re-sign the .jar), you can edit your build.xml and add the following ANT targets and macros:
<target name="-post-jfx-jar">
<update-libs-manifest />
<update-jar-manifest jarfile="${jfx.deployment.dir}${file.separator}${jfx.deployment.jar}" />
<macrodef name="update-libs-manifest">
<property name="pp_rebase_dir" value="${basedir}${file.separator}${dist.dir}${file.separator}lib"/>
<property name="pp_rebase_fs" value="*.jar"/>
<condition property="manifest.codebase" value="${manifest.custom.codebase}" else="*">
<isset property="manifest.custom.codebase" />
<equals arg1="${manifest.custom.codebase}" arg2="" trim="true" />
<condition property="manifest.permissions" value="all-permissions" else="sandbox">
<isset property="permissions-elevated" />
<echo message="Updating libraries manifest => Codebase: ${manifest.codebase} / Permissions: ${manifest.permissions}" />
<script language="javascript">
var dir = project.getProperty("pp_rebase_dir");
var fDir = new java.io.File(dir);
if( fDir.exists() ) {
var callTask = project.createTask("antcall");
var param = callTask.createParam();
var includes = project.getProperty("pp_rebase_fs");
var fs = project.createDataType("fileset");
fs.setDir( fDir );
var ds = fs.getDirectoryScanner(project);
var srcFiles = ds.getIncludedFiles();
for (i=0; i<srcFiles.length; i++) {
param.setValue(dir + "${file.separator}" + srcFiles[i]);
<target name="-update-jar-macro-call">
<update-jar-manifest jarfile="${jar.file.to.rebase}"/>
<macrodef name="update-jar-manifest">
<attribute name="jarfile"/>
<echo message="jarfile = @{jarfile}" />
<jar file="@{jarfile}" update="true">
<attribute name="Codebase" value="${manifest.codebase}"/>
<attribute name="Permissions" value="${manifest.permissions}"/>
After that, you just have to add manifest.custom.codebase=<your_codebase>
to your project.properties. For example: manifest.custom.codebase=localhost
Attention: This code is for a JavaFX application using Netbeans default ANT build process. You'll need to update it accordingly if that's not your case - that will require a change on the first target (<target name="-post-jfx-jar">
), the property names and the condition that checks the permissions-elevated
Refer to detailed explanation about error you mentioned. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/jweb/no_redeploy.html
Here's what I've found:
Starting with Java 7 Update 51, Java has enhanced security model to make user system less vulnerable to the external exploits. The new version of Java does not allow users to run the applications that are not signed (Unsigned), Self signed (not signed by trusted authority) and the applications that are missing permission attributes.
I got the problem in TopCoder Arena launch. It can be easily removed using the below link:
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