If I have a tarball, helloworld.tar.gz in a local directory, say /home/user/tarballs/, how can I make my bitbake recipe fetch from that directory?
my helloworld.bb is
SECTION = "examples"
LICENSE = "Proprietary"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING; md5=1b1b8016e15e07a2fec59623ebf12345"
SRC_URI = "file://helloworld.tar.gz"
but when I bitbake, I get the below warning message:
WARNING: Unable to get checksum for helloworld SRC_URI entry helloworld.tar.gz: file could not be found
I read something about FILES and FILESEXTRAPATHS can influence the download path but not sure where/how to set them.
I did a bitbake -c show FILESEXTRAPATHS but get an error message: