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<!-- Letter "S" -->
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<!-- Left leg -->
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<!-- Outline letter "S" -->
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0, 43.25,51.14;
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0, 43.25,51.14"
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<!-- Letter "T" -->
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<!-- Wiggle the letter "T" -->
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10, 105.69,52.39"
restart="whenNotActive" />
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<!-- Letter "A" -->
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<!-- Wiggle the letter "A" -->
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restart="whenNotActive" />
<animateMotion xlink:href="#Agroup" begin="btn1.click" dur="18s" restart="whenNotActive">
<mpath xlink:href="#Atrack" />
<!-- Letter "C" -->
<g id="Cgroup" transform="scale(1.5)" filter="url(#dropShadow)">
<path id="Cleft" fill="#1EFE6B" d="m212.7 64.5c0 0-5.6 18.1 0 23.7 3.1 3.1 12.4 4.3 12.9 0 0.4-3.4-9.9-2.6-9.9-2.6l-3-21.2m26.8 0.1M238.4 64.5" class="leg">
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values="0,210.21,64.39;30, 210.21,64.39;0,210.21,64.39" fill="freeze" repeatCount="indefinite" />
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<!-- Wiggle the letter "C" -->
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10, 227.9,51.1;
-10, 227.9,51.1;
10, 227.9,51.1"
restart="whenNotActive" />
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<mpath xlink:href="#Ctrack" />
<!-- Letter "K" -->
<g id="Kgroup" transform="scale(1.5)" filter="url(#dropShadow)">
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values="0,272.11,64.39;30, 272.11,64.39;0,272.11,64.39" repeatCount="indefinite" />
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values="0,310.51,64.39;30, 310.51,64.39;0,310.51,64.39" fill="freeze" repeatCount="indefinite" />
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<!-- Wiggle the letter "K" -->
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0, 293.5,51.3;
-30, 293.5,51.3;
0, 293.5,51.3"
restart="whenNotActive" />
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<mpath xlink:href="#Ktrack" />
<!-- Animating all letters together -->
<animateMotion xlink:href="#Gr_All" begin="an_k.end" dur="18s" repeatCount="15" >
<mpath xlink:href="#all_Letter" fill="freeze" additive="sum" restart="whenNotActive" />
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var zodiac = new Audio();
zodiac.src = src="https://ruv.hotmo.org/get/music/20170902/Bobby_McFerrin_-_Dont_Worry_Be_Happy_47980580.mp3";
function play() {