I have a outer HTML-document (subdomain1.server-a.de) with an iFrame and inner HTML-document (subdomain2.server-a.de). The inner script should send & receive AJAX-requests to subdomain2.server-a.de. I've set the document.domain-value for both documents to "server-a.de" - so far, so good, works well in all tested browsers (FF/Chrome/Opera). Now I move the scripts to server-b.de with same subdomains and set the document.domain on both documents to "server-b.de". That still works in FF and Chrome, but Opera gives me a "Security error: attempted to read protected variable: xy" when trying to call my AJAX function from the outer document.
My conclusion so far: I can't violate the same domain policy, because then FF and Chrome wouldn't communicate with the inner document from outside either. I've also tried the solution from Focus with Cross-domain Ajax in Opera with the interval function, same issue.
Thanks a lot in advance for every hint.
UPDATE: I have set up a testing site for this. If you go to this site, you'll see, it works even with Opera (a dialog pops up with "Test called" after a few seconds). Now, if you copy the outer frame files "operatest.html" and jquery to another server - so it has to work in my case - you'll see, that FF and Chrome don't have a problem, but Opera has.
Is Opera comparing server details in order to fulfill the same origin policy? Or will it deny access, if ip adresses of both subdomains don't match?