There is a function called forEach which both Vector and Array has which you can use. Basically it calls a function for each element in the vector. This is how it works:
var myVector:Vector.<Foo> = new Vector();
var myArray:Array = [];
function arrayConverter(element:*, index:int, array:Array):void{
myArray[myArray.length] = element;
But I couldn't find a function which just moves all the values from the Vector to an Array. Another solution could be that you create a class which extends the Vector class and then you have a public function called toArray() and then you have that code in that function so you don't have to write it each time you want to convert.
Vector documentation
Edit: Found this old question today and thought it would be interesting to do a benchmark test of all the different methods this sunday morning.
I used a vector with 1000000 items in and made 2 tests for each loop. One using the built in array functions push and one using regular array operations.
- For loop, not push: 520 ms
- For loop, push: 1027 ms
- Foreach loop, not push: 1753 ms
- Foreach loop, push: 2264 ms
- While loop, not push: 2775 ms
- While loop, not push: 3282 ms
- Util loop, not push: 4059 ms
- Util loop, push: 4570 ms
And here is a benchmark using 1000 items:
- For loop, not push: 1 ms
- For loop, push: 2 ms
- Foreach loop, not push: 2 ms
- Foreach loop, push: 3 ms
- While loop, not push: 3 ms
- While loop, not push: 4 ms
- Util loop, not push: 4 ms
- Util loop, push: 5 ms
Basically it's when you get over 10 000 items you start to see the real difference. So between 0 and 10 000 items it doesn't really matter which you use.
public class Loops{
public static function forLoop(vector:Vector.<Foo>, usePush:Boolean = false):Array{
var result:Array = [];
for(var i:int = 0; i < vector.length; i++){
result[result.length] = vector[i];
return result;
public static function foreachLoop(vector:Vector.<Foo>, usePush:Boolean):Array{
var result:Array = [];
for each(var key:String in vector){
result[result.length] = vector[key];
return result;
public static function whileLoop(vector:Vector.<Foo>, usePush:Boolean):Array{
var result:Array = [];
var i:int = 0;
while(i < vector.length){
result[result.length] = vector[i];
return result;
public static function arrayUtilLoop(vector:Vector.<Foo>, usePush:Boolean):Array{
var result:Array = [];
function arrayUtilForeach(element:*, index:int, array:Array):void{
array[result.length] = element;
return result;
I used the getTimer function to do the benchmark, so it might not be 100% accurate but there's so much difference between the different loops so I don't think it matters.
I hope someone found this useful.